Good Habits to Prevent COVID and Flu

• You are required to bring a mask to every rehearsal. If COVID or flu risks are increasing in the community, we’ll rehearse masked. If you personally feel even a little “off,” please mask. Prior to our rehearsals in the Victoria, personal masking will not interfere and may be one of the keys to our show going up uninterrupted and on schedule.

• Wash your hands frequently, including every time you initially arrive at Muse. Sing the “ABC Song” in your head while you’re washing your hands and that’s long enough!

• Antibacterial gel is available just inside the doors of the studio and the Muse office — use it frequently!

• Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Most germs are transferred when you unknowingly touch something else and, without thinking of it, touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

• If you sneeze or cough and don’t have a tissue available, sneeze or cough into the inside of your elbow – not your hand. Do not just raise your arm – actually cover and “seal” your nose and mouth with the inside of your elbow!

• When you are exhausted or haven’t recently eaten, you may be reducing your natural defenses. There are many reasons to get enough sleep and to eat properly – now more than ever. We will always try to break for 10 minutes mid-rehearsal and we strongly encourage you to bring a snack or sandwich, etc, to eat and keep your energy up.

• If we perceive that you are not feeling well, we will send you home. Like school systems, we will take precautions and err in the direction of a-bit-too-cautious rather than not-cautious-enough.

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with many other health professionals, give guidance regarding vaccinations and flu antiviral drugs. We are not requiring COVID or flu vaccinations for this production, though we do recommend that you make well-advised decisions. Information is readily available online, including