January 16-19, 2025 at the Victoria Theatre
Cast audition schedule
• Tues, Sept 24, 5:30-8:30pm…..Cast auditions by appt
• Wed, Sept 25, 5:45-8:45pm…..Cast auditions by appt
• Sat, Sept 28, Noon-6:00pm…..Cast auditions by appt
• Sun, Sept 29, Noon-6:00pm…..Cast auditions by appt
• Mon, Sept 30, 4:30-9:30pm…..Callback auditions for selected male characters (by invitation)
• Tues, Oct 1, 4:30-9:30pm…..Callback auditions for selected female characters (by invitation)
• Wed, Oct 2, 4:30-9:30pm…..Round 2 callback auditions for selected female and male characters (by invitation)
• Wed, Oct 9…..Notifications sent
Health & Safety
This year, every student in the production must bring a face mask to every rehearsal. While we hope to rehearse unmasked as often as possible, the producer will determine whether the company is required to wear masks based on the current risk level of the community and surrounding communities. Participants will also be required to make frequent use of hand sanitizer.
Who we are looking for
People who want to act, dance and sing! Don’t worry if you’re not experienced because we look favorably upon those with potential. There’s room for many levels of talent. Many performers are needed – this is a large ensemble musical comedy and we need all types! Please note: You must be a Muse Machine member to be in the musical. Bring your new membership card or a note from a Muse advisor at your school. Membership question? Call 937/222-MUSE, ext 401.
Both as a performance and a creative experience, Muse Machine’s musicals are stronger when they reflect the community and world around us. Students of all races and ethnicities are cast in roles regardless of what the original actors may have looked like. In our version of a show, for example, different members of a family may be performed by actors of different races and ethnic backgrounds.
How the auditions will work
Request an audition appointment at (under the “Musical & Concert” tab, select “Info”). The earlier you request an appointment, the better your chance of getting the time you want. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointed time and check in (signs will direct you to the correct locations). Your appointment will consist of a private song and monologue audition and also a group movement and dance audition. You will be free to leave after all parts are complete. Your entire appointment may run anywhere from approximately 90 minutes up to approximately three hours, depending on the specific time of your appointment. Arrival and departure details will be made clear for you in the confirmation email message you will receive after you request an appointment.
What to bring with you
• A Muse membership receipt or a note from your advisor confirming your Muse membership
• Four copies of a recent picture of yourself. Your face should be clearly visible (computer print-outs are fine and they can all be the same image)
• One copy of the sheet music of your song for the accompanist (and one for yourself, if you like) OR a recorded music track (details below)
• One copy of your monologue for us (and one for yourself, if you like)
• For the dance audition, wear exercise clothes or dance clothes. They should be cool, not restrictive and not baggy. They do not need to be “dance clothes.”
• For the dance audition, if you happen to have jazz, ballet or modern dance shoes, bring those. Otherwise, wear flat sole shoes such as Keds or Vans (not high-traction shoes).
Most of the performers in our shows have not had previous dance training! We are looking for personality, rhythm and character, not just training! Likewise, most of our auditionees do not have dance clothes – they are not required. The change of clothes is so you can look nice for your song/monologue and then have an outfit that does not restrict movement and keeps your temperature cool for the dance audition.
During the audition you will…
• Sing: Bring a memorized song that does not exceed one minute (shorter is fine – 16 bars is ideal). Most songs are a lot longer, so choose the best section that shows off your voice (you don’t have to start at the beginning). Announce the title and composer before you begin. Please do not perform a song from Cats. We simply want to see and hear what everyone can bring to the table — do what you do best!
If you chose to sing with live accompaniment: Websites such as, or are great online resources to purchase and download sheet music. In most cases, you can also change the key of the song to suit your vocal range. Remember to bring a copy of the sheet music for the accompanist. Do not plan to sing acappella. We’ll provide an accompanist, but you may bring your own accompanist if you prefer. Be sure to practice using the same sheet music that you bring to the audition (if you only practice with a recording, you may find that the sheet music is very different). A choir director at school or church would probably be happy to play through the song with you. If you would like to hold a copy of your sheet music when you audition, please bring a second copy for yourself.
If you would prefer to sing with a recorded track (this is a new option this year): Find an instrumental or karaoke version of the song you want to use and bring it on a phone or tablet (you cannot sing along with a prerecorded vocal). The part of the song you sing should still be an only a minute or less (it’s fine that the recording is longer — we’ll just stop it when your part is done). We will provide cables for USB-C, lightning and standard headphone jack and your device must be compatible with one of these (most are). Before you come into the room, a volunteer will help you to make sure the recording it cued to the right spot.
• Present Your Monologue: Bring a memorized monologue that does not exceed one and a half minutes (shorter is fine). Announce the title and author before you begin. If you need a quick resource for a monologue, we suggest checking out collected monologue books at local bookstores. Online stores such as have a large selection, though you cannot look through them first, and not every book will have something that suits you. You can also transcribe a monologue from a movie or TV show (turn on the captions and type it out). Consider that you will probably be playing an adult—not a teenager. Please do not use poems, Shakespeare or “monologues for young people” (which are usually not from any play/musical/movie/TV show). We emphasize that last point—use a monologue from an actual play, musical, movie or TV show, not from a book that wrote their own monologues just for auditions. Books with titles like “Monologues for Young Actors” tend to be awful places to find monologues. Please do not perform material from Cats in monologue format..
If you would like to hold a copy of your monologue when you audition, please bring a second copy for yourself.
• Dance: The entire group will assemble for the movement and dance audition. You will be taught a brief dance routine. You do not need previous dance experience—the format of the audition is simply “do what I do”.
What will be expected of me if I am cast?
You will need to be available for rehearsals at the Muse Machine studio, Monday – Thursday from 4:30—8:30pm, Saturdays from 10:00am—5:00 pm, and Sundays 1:00—5:00pm. We will not rehearse on most Fridays. Each actor will only need to attend selected rehearsals. A complete schedule will be available at the time notification letters are sent. We are extremely flexible with school conflicts for other performances, etc., if you have informed us far in advance. There can be no rehearsal conflicts January 8—18. You must be willing to try new things, work hard, meet new people and have fun!
Audition tips
• Be confident—if you make a mistake, just continue with the monologue or song. If you need to backtrack a bit before resuming, that’s fine. As long as you’re basically prepared, mistakes don’t count against you. We’re friendly and we know how nerve-wracking auditions can be.
• Speak up! The Victoria Theatre holds almost 1,200 audience members. They need to hear you—and so do we.
• Personality counts—show yours! Personality can be a huge factor in making the cast. We cannot emphasize this enough!
Location of the auditions
The Muse Machine third floor offices and fourth floor studio in the Metropolitan Arts Center (next to the Victoria Theatre near the corner of First and Main Streets); 126 North Main Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402. Look for the awning which says “The Loft” and follow the signs to sign in.
Request an audition appointment