“So sing a little and dance a little’’
Broadway In Concert
August 20, 1997 • Victoria Theatre - The summer concerts began as something else entirely. Music director David Düsing wanted to capture highlights from the Muse musicals helmed by director/choreographer Nat Horne and himself on a recording, reuniting original vocalists when possible. David wrote new arrangements of songs from South Pacific (Muse's 1992 production) up through 1997's Me And My Girl. To round out the set, the title track of the forthcoming musical Mame was included as well. Remarkably, one of the most famous and award-winning sound engineers on the planet—John McClure—agreed to produce the recording (John worked with Igor Stravinsky, Leonard Bernstein, John Williams, Pink Floyd and countless other musical greats).
It was decided rather late in the project that the exuberance captured on the recording would benefit if the group could perform the same material before a live audience first. Of course, Nat was not going to let performers just stand there and sing, so even with little time to prepare, a song and dance revue came together. The audience reaction was fantastic and in the following days, the songs were recorded in the loft of the original Hauer Music building. Back to back, Muse's first summer concert and album were born!
Music Director David Düsing
Choreographer Nat Horne
Producer Douglas Merk
Assistant to the Music Director Christoper Barthauer
Master Of Ceremonies Dr. Sherry Wheaton
Jonathan Anderson
Ashley Andrews
Beau Billet
Michael Boeck
Doug Borntrager
Lindsey Cannon
Andre Carter
Christina Chatfield
Allen Cochran
Austin Cole
Kristin DeLuca
Susan England
Adam Feurer
Amanda Fulk
Weldon Gan
Angela Gaylor
Jennifer Hamilton
Joshua Harmon
Steve Haskin
Emily Herelko
Natalie Houliston
Ashley Huber
Michael Ingersoll
Caroline Jackson
Kate Jackson
Sarah Jenson
Carey Kayser
Nathan Lewis
Michael Liles
Michelle Louden
Leah Lykins
Denise Mann
Tyler Maynard
Sara McCord
Andrea McLemore
Zach Middleton
Nathan Milligan
Elena Monigold
Matt Morris
Katie Moskowitz
David Moyer
Carla Musgrove
Jeff Myers
Jill Paice
Trish Pasley
Rick Pearson
Chad Penix
Jason Penix
Anne Pesch
Laura Portune
Michael Raderstorf
Christie Rawers
Suzie Reed
Jennifer Riazzi
Doug Ross
Tory Ross
Billy Sauerland
Ryan Scarlata
Dane Scott
Michael Shoup
Rob Signom
Tracey Smith
Matt Spriggs
Ryan Stem
Chad Stiles
Ian Sturgill
Betsy Thompson
Joel Tobey
Besty Trim
Valorie Wiser
Erin Woeste
Maureen Zimmer
Christopher Barthauer
Anna Bartenstein
Jennifer Fields
Julie McBride
Katie-Ann McCarty
Brian McKinney
Kate Minneman
Jason Novak
Josh Roderer
Tiffany Wells
Produced & Engineered for Record by John McClure
Executive Producers David Düsing & Douglas Merk
Music Director and Arrangements David Düsing
Assistant to the Music Director and Assistant Conductor Christoper Barthauer
Recording Assistant Susan Presson
British Dialect Coach Kate Ross
Student Assistants to the Producers Jennifer Fisher, Karen O’Brien, Michelle Terebinski
Design Douglas Merk
Photography AGI Photographic Imaging, Inc.
Recorded on August 21, 22 & 23, 1997 at the Hauer Music Company, Dayton, Ohio.
Muse Machine On Broadway was dedicated to Virginia W. Kettering.
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