“And there was distant music, simple and somehow sublime’’
Heart & Music
August 17, 2000 • Dayton Art Institute - The premise for the concert was simple: songs from shows Muse had not performed. Shortly into assembling the tracks, the creative team sensed that the show might become something exciting. Songs from familiar titles like Chicago, Sweeney Todd and Rent were balanced alongside particularly fun, somewhat lesser-known pieces from shows including A New Brain, Grand Hotel and Lady In The Dark, among others. The result was an often surprising, fast-moving and funny concert with some of the best performances our concert stage had seen. In the days following the sold-out concert, musicians and singers returned to the studio to create the next album with famed recording engineer/producer, John McClure (producer of Igor Stravinsky, Leonard Bernstein, John Williams and Pink Floyd, to name a few). The recording received strong reviews, including one from Stephen Flaherty, Broadway composer of Ragtime, which appears on the album!
Music Director/Conductor David Düsing
Choreographer Nat Horne
Producer Douglas Merk
Assistant Choreographer Lula Elzy
Sarah Arnold
Matt Bailey
Tom Ballauer
Katt Baumgartner
Jason Bayus
Dru Blumensheild
Adam Brown
Tony Cartwright
Allen Cochran
Jennifer Coffey
Veronica Dicker
Josh Few
Ryan Filanda
Jen Focht
Adam Fried
Leah Garrett
Angela Gaylor
Amber George
Sean Hagerty
Jennifer Hahn
Greg Hall
Josh Harris
Miranda Harris
Jessica Hibbitts
Erin Hogan
Natalie Houliston
Elizabeth Humphrey
Caroline Jackson
Kate Jackson
Alicia Jez
Leigh Ann Jez
Cami Johnson
Amanda Kaupilla
Sydney Lanier
Benjamin Magnuson
Tyler Maynard
Westen McConnell
Hugh McMullen
Wynn Meyer
Katie Moscowitz
Jennifer Mullen
Chamie Ndefru
Jill Paice
Rick Pearson
Angele Price
Michael Raderstorf
Emily Reeves
Erin Riegel
Tory Ross
Greg Russell
Melissa Russell
William Sauerland
Ryan Scarlatta
Chris Shea
David Sherman
Rob Signom
Tara Snyder
Erin Spears
Patrick Stafford
Ryan Stem
Brie Stout
Rachel Tipps
Grecia Vaughn
Natalie Vella
Deanna Wantz
Mary Williamson
Erin Woeste
Christine Zavakos
Matt Bailey
Katt Baumgartner
Jason Bayus
Adam Brown
Josh Harris
Jessica Hibbitts
Elizabeth Humphrey
Katharine Jackson
Leigh Ann Jez
Amanda Kauppila
Rick Pearson
Greg Russell
Melissa Russell
Tara Snyder
Erin Spears
Patrick Stafford
Rachel Tipps
Christine Zavakos
Christopher Barthauer
Amy Betche
Brandon Braham
Paul Browning
Christina Condon
Janette Davis
Veronica Dicker
Sean Hagerty
Connie Harbaugh
Gregg Harvey
Bill Horn
Ken Huff
Caroline Jackson
Benjamin Magnuson
Kate Minneman
Tim Olt
Andy Pester
Chris Puckett
Corey Ramey
Josh Roder
Adam White
HEART & MUSIC (The Recording)
Produced & Engineered for Record by John McClure
Executive Producers David Düsing & Douglas Merk
Music Director, Conductor and Arrangements David Düsing
Associate Conductor Christoper Barthauer
Recording Assistant Susan Presson
Rehearsal Accompanist Andrew Pester
Music Preparation Christopher Barthauer, David Düsing & Andrew Pester
Design Douglas Merk
Photography Vicky Smith, Dan Ingersoll & Thom Meyer
Recorded on August 18, 19 and 20 at Communicore, Dayton, Ohio
Heart & Music was dedicated to the memory of Sara Exley.
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