“Oh, so is life—abatiwa!’’
Tonight At Eight
August 19, 1999 • Dayton Art Institute - Muse’s first sequel! The previous year’s concert came together very quickly (again, the creative team did not intend for the concerts to become annual events). Music director David Düsing was taken by the elements that really worked, how the loose theme of “a soundtrack to one’s life” had emerged (with the joyous and darker colors that entails) and he wanted to take it further. Some of the songs returned, joined by new ones and this time, a recording (again helmed by the illustrious John McClure) was captured.
Music Director/Conductor David Düsing
Choreographer Nat Horne
Producer Douglas Merk
Associate Conductor Christopher Barthauer
Amanda Ames
Jonathan Anderson
Kate Anderson
Nikki Batson
Jason Bayus
Amy Betche
Billy Blanken
Dru Blumensheid
Doug Borntrager
Myranda Broyles
Andre Carter
Tony Cartwright
Allen Cochran
Jennifer Coffey
Chrissy Dano
Janette Davis
Kristin DeLuca
Anna Duvall
Nick Elder
Julie Engle
Annie Ervin
Kristen Frost
Leah Garrett
Amber George
Matt Gothard
Nicole Gray
Heather Harkins
Jennifer Hahn
Josh Harris
Erin Hogan
Natalie Houliston
Jessica Hibbitts
Elizabeth Humphrey
Jennifer Ingersoll
Michael Ingersoll
Caroline Jackson
Kate Jackson
Leigh Ann Jez
Becky Joffe
Cami Johnson
Rob Jergens
Amanda Kaupilla
Sam King
Adrienne McLemore
Westen McConnell
Benjamin Magnuson
Denise Mann
Zach Middleton
Katie Moscowitz
David Moyer
Jill Paice
Rick Pearson
Katie Pees
Chad Penix
Andy Pester
Angele’ Price
Michael Raderstorf
Corey Ramey
Ian Rhodes
Doug Ross
Tory Ross
Greg Russell
Melissa Russell
Ryan Scarlatta
Laura Schold
Kevin Schultz
Chris Shea
Rob Signom
Lauren Smith
Tara Snyder
Erin Spears
Matt Spriggs
Patrick Stafford
Ryan Stem
Brie Stout
Jimmy Straley
Betsy Thompson
Rachel Tipps
Deanna Tweel
Grecia Vaughn
Tess Vella
Erin Woeste
Jason Bayus
Tony Cartwright
Anna Duvall
Josh Harris
Jessica Hibbitts
Becky Joffe
Amanda Kaupilla
Denise Mann
Rick Pearson
Ian Rhodes
Patrick Stafford
Rachel Tipps
Erin Woeste
Anna Bartenstein
Christopher Barthauer
Julie McBride
Brian McKinney
Kate Minneman
Mark Reed
Josh Roderer
Will Smith
Adam White
Amy Betche
Brandon Brahm
Danyel Clark
Janette Davis
Yoshiaki Furuzawa
Caroline Jackson
Rob Jergens
Westen McConnell
Justin Morgan
Andy Pester
Corey Ramey
HEART & MUSIC (The Recording)
Produced & Engineered for Record by John McClure
Executive Producers David Düsing & Douglas Merk
Music Director, Conductor and Arrangements David Düsing
Associate Conductor Christoper Barthauer
Recording Assistant Susan Presson
Rehearsal Accompanist Andrew Pester
Music Preparation Christopher Barthauer, David Düsing & Andrew Pester
Design Douglas Merk
Photography Vicky Smith, Dan Ingersoll & Thom Meyer
Recorded on August 18, 19 and 20 at Communicore, Dayton, Ohio