“Just for one day’’
We Could Be Heroes
August 4, 2016 • Victoria Theatre - The twentieth summer concert took inspiration from very different heroes across three acts. Part one looked back at heroes of Tin Pan Alley (who helped shaped pop music and musical theatre) through interwoven medleys of songs by the Gershwins, Irving Berlin and Cole Porter.
A hero of rock music, art and bold individualism, David Bowie was featured in part two through new interpretations of his remarkable work.
Muse asked the public to write in with reflections on their heroes. The testimonials were wide ranging, about family members, creative inspirations, people who served in the military, friends and, obviously, Batman. Excerpts from some of the submissions were selected and recorded by the performers. They were paired thematically with music selections and choreography, from very recent pop to country to 80s rock to Hamilton. A funny, sentimental and eclectic evening to be sure, it triggered one of the most enthusiastic audience reactions to date.

Producer Douglas Merk
Choreographer Lula Elzy
Music Director Trey Stone
Vocal Music Director Ann Snyder
Chorus Master: Young Ensemble Carol Chatfield
Jasmine Acuna
Ana Adams
Nehemiah Adams
Cassie Bakker
Ella Bakker
Quincy Baltes
Kristin Barry
Kyle Bates
Jo Baudendistel
Kathleen Baudendistel
Quinn Bennett
Jacob Brown
Madelyn Bryant
Elyse Burrus
Isaac Buschur
Kedar Calhoun
Zuwa Calhoun
Gabby Casto
Ian Cheatwood
Sean Cheatwood
Cameron Combs
Kennedy Cook
Cayla Destefani
CJ Destefani
Kasey Dingee
Breanna Douglas
Elana Elmore
Olivia Engler
Bergen Eppers
Daelyn Eppers
Amber Fisher
Allison Fultz
Erin Fultz
Sydney Gehron
Tyler Hanson
Benjamin Harshbarger
Elizabeth Hayn
Jayden Hayn
Aydrianne Hofschild
Caitlyn Hood
Mark Howard
Kaite Hubler
Shayla James-Birdsong
Aliya Johnson
Christian Johnson
Micah Johnson
Benjamin Jones
Gracie Kerr
Clare Kneblik
Marianne Kingrey
Charlotte Kunesh
Jack Lewis
Jacob McGlaun
Sam McLain
Jordyn Mitchell
Ben Morrison
Lindsey Morrison
Julie Murphy
Briana Oroszi
Chloe Parks
Jonathan Phillips
Isabel Rawlins
Mitchell Rawlins
Jamard Richardson
Megan Rismiller
Brianna Russ
Carolyn Russo
Annie Sableski
Bryna Schroeder
Amelia Shade
Sophia Shaker
David Sherman
Summer Shroyer
Zoe Singleton
Ben Slauenwhite
Elizabeth Slauenwhite
Margarette Slauenwhite
Ana Smith
Ashlynn Stamper
Eric Strange
Rachel Tepe
Taylor Thornburg
Drea Wallace
Mackenzie Wolcott
Nick Wolcott
Kyle Wuebker
Cassie Bakker
Quincy Baltes
Kyle Bates
Josie Baudendistel
Quinn Bennett
Isaac Buschur
Kedar Calhoun
Zuwa Calhoun
Gabby Casto
Ian Cheatwood
Sean Cheatwood
Cameron Combs
CJ Destefani
Cayla Destefani
Brianna Douglas
Bergen Eppers
Daelyn Eppers
Tyler Hanson
Ben Harshbarger
Jayden Hayn
Aydrianne Hofschild
Mark Howard
Kaite Hubler
Shayla James-Birdsong
Aliya Johnson
Christian Johnson
Gracie Kerr
Marianne Kingrey
Clare Kneblik
Charlotte Kunesh
Jack Lewis
Ben Morrison
Chloe Parks
Jonathan Phillips
Isabel Rawlins
Mitchell Rawlins
Jamard Richardson
Megan Rismiller
Emma Rubin
Brianna Russ
Carolyn Russo
Zoe Singleton
Ben Slauenwhite
Ana Smith
Taylor Thornburg
Mackenzie Wolcott
Nick Wolcott
Kyle Wuebker
Celeste Acuna
Micah Bauman
Laila Blumer
Peyton Boerger
Ollig Bryant
Paisley Bryant
Parker Deutsch
Peyton Deutsch
Bella Earhart
Olin Eppers
Elena George
Alicia Gunzelmann
Sean Gunzelmann
Olivia Hibner
Mollie Juniewicz-Skill
Morgan Kershner
Tatum Kershner
Taryn Lightcap
Max McKibben
Mora Menzie
Collin Rismiller
Keegan Rismiller
Emma Rubin
Colleen Sableski
Nora Sableski
McKenzie Searcy
Nico Simmons
Emmaline Slauenwhite
Abbey Stamper
Annessa Stamper
Jordan Thornburg
Luke Weckesser
Maggie Weckesser
Ashley Wiegand
Justin Dawson
John Dubuc
Brian Hoeflich
Gary King
Eric Knorr
Greg Lewis
Erich Reith
Rich Reuter
Jason Swann
Trey Stone