Beatbox Blog

We were pleasantly surprised when a popular website and blog, The Goodmen Project, brought attention to a Muse video in a recent article.
Some of you may recall the video: while touring and performing in schools, a Muse artist—guitarist Michael Kelsey—asked off-the-cuff if there happened to be a volunteer in the audience who knew how to beatbox alongside his guitar playing. A student came to the stage.
The article’s writer, a father from Massachusetts, observed, “…What happened next is a thing of beauty… The music—and the moment—completely took him over. He got so into it, he started dancing. Dancing. This is joy so pure it’s contagious, and I loved every second. And it got me thinking, too. Isn’t this what our kids deserve from school—a taste of joy? Isn’t this what we should nurture, encourage and empower in our youth?”
We happen to agree.
March 2014
View the article and video