The following makeup tutorial (created by one of our alum) should help to walk students and parents how to apply makeup for our version of CATS. Be aware of a few things:
• Your natural skin color will remain prominently visible.
• The tutorial was created with a sensitivity to products that can be purchased inexpensively from discount stores like Target or drugstores like CVS or Walgreens. There is one item of makeup that is a little more expensive and it is optional.
• This tutorial is about 10 minutes long. The instructor sped up the video to keep things concise.
• Members of the Young Cast should follow a simpler version of this. Essentially, they should only apply the details with the eyebrow pencil around the eyes, nose and upper lip (as seen in the video from 3:00—6:30). We would like young cast members to arrive to those rehearsals or performances with makeup already applied at home. If this would be challenging to achieve, please contact Chris ([email protected]) or Carolyn ([email protected]) and we will help those students after they arrive.
• It is important to purchase the makeup and try to apply it at home prior to using it at rehearsal. You will use makeup at the tech rehearsal on Sat, Jan 11 and all rehearsals after that.
• Everyone is different and we want you to look amazing – please adapt details as necessary for your own skin tone and color (for example, the detailing done with a black soft eyebrow pencil may be done with other natural colors that suit you).
Color patches around the eyes
At the end of the video, you will see an addendum about additional color makeup around the eyes:
• Not everyone has to do this, though we hope that many will.
• This is meant to simulate color variations that cat fur often takes on their faces and around the eyes.
• This requires the purchase of additional makeup, detailed below.
• You may include this around both eyes, one eye or not at all (but do it consistently).
• Color options, by breed:
Black cats may have white eye spots or no eye spots
Grey cats may have white eye spots or no eye spots
Orange cats may have muted orange or white eyespots or no eye spots
Siamese cats should not do eye spots but, if you are light skin toned use brown eye shadow, or if you are dark skin toned use a non-metalic bronze eye shadow. This would be normal eye shadow, available in common stores.
Recommended Amazon links for optional color eye spot makeup:
Mehron Makeup Paradise Makeup AQ Pro Size WHITE
Mehron Makeup Paradise Makeup AQ Pro Size MANGO (ORANGE)
View Makeup Tutorial on YouTubeHow to style hair for the show
This is hard to address, because all of you are different and have different types of hair. Broadly speaking, we’re suggesting that many of you make your hair full, a bit larger than life and maybe a bit crazier than you’d normally wear it. But that, of course, depends on the type of hair you have. Some of you have hair that is just perfect the way you normally wear it. If you’re uncertain, speak to Doug or try something and show us.