There are important ways that students and parents can help the musical experience through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: an improved ability to communicate to students and parents and also a powerful way to promote the show.
First and foremost, it is important to know that we are not urging any student or parent’s participation on social media. Whether or not anyone has a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account is, of course, a matter for each individual and their families. Muse Machine is not encouraging anyone to create an account for our benefit, nor are we asking that you “friend” anyone from Muse Machine. We respect anyone’s choice not to participate on social media. This is simply for those who chose to participate.
If you follow our Facebook page, you’ll see that we will post announcements, updates, photos and videos through the course of the production. Every time you “Like” one of these posts, it is seen by more people. However, by far the most helpful thing you can do is click “Share” (which is next to the “Like” option). This makes the post and photo appear on your page so that your friends and family see it as well. When tickets go on sale to the public in November, we will post the event on Facebook and by indicating that you are attending (as a performer or an audience member) it spreads the word to many, many more people.
The same ideas apply to Twitter as well – tweeting or retweeting (in addition to simply “liking”) is a huge help!
On Instagram, there is no simple way to share a post, but liking or commenting on a post helps to spread the word!
We will ask your help in the months ahead to make the show successful – all of us wants full audiences – and in a time of struggling newspapers, social media and Facebook in particular can be a powerful way to get people to the show. But it only works if all of you participate, “Share” the posts, comment and say you’re attending. Together we can fill the Victoria Theatre!