Young Cast Info

Greetings Young Cast Parents!

Chris MacPherson and Carolyn Reveal will serve as your Young Cast Parent Volunteer coordinators for this year’s production of Cats. This page highlights some specifics for the young cast which may not apply to the older cast members.

As discussed during the parent meeting a couple of weeks ago, volunteering during Muse is a great way to get involved. It will also give you the opportunity to see how the “magic” happens. So, in addition to those opportunities you already heard about, the parents of the young cast have specific opportunities that will directly support your kids.

These opportunities include:

Parent Security: One volunteer is needed each night following rehearsal through the end of Tech Week.  This parent will stand outside the main entrance ensuring each young cast member is safely picked-up.

Sign up for Parent Security

Parent Watch: Three parents are needed in the young cast “Green Room” each night during Tech Week and during each performance.  These parents:
• Watch over the young cast members while they are backstage and in the Green Room.
• Ensure they are ready (costumes and make-up on) to go on stage when it is their time
• Sit with the young cast in the Victoria during Tech Week
• Escort young cast to their parents at the end of each night

Sign up for Parent Watch

Make-Up Help: Four parents are needed for each Tech Rehearsal and each performance to help the young cast with their make-up (these volunteers are not the same as the Parent Watch volunteers, above).  While not hard, the make-up needed for Cats is greater than what most of the young cast is accustomed to needing (i.e. “Stage” make-up).  There will also be one meeting for these volunteers with the production staff prior to Tech Week to understand what the kids will need.

Sign up for Make-up Help

Regarding makeup, you can find specific details and a tutorial here. Please read carefully for the information about the simplified version for young cast members!

Cats Makeup Tutorial & Info

In addition to volunteering there are a couple other things, for your information…

Performance Attire:  Each young cast member is asked to wear a sleeveless tank top (no dark colors, please) and bike/athletic shorts (any color) to each Tech Week rehearsal and performance.  The costumes will be worn over these items.  Please put your kid’s name in clothing items (dance shoes) as many look alike.

Quiet Entertainment: During Tech Week and the performances, the young cast will remain in their green room until they need to be on the stage. During this time they will be getting into costume as well as having their make-up applied.  While that will fill some of the time, they will still need some things (books, cards, etc.) to entertain them.  Young cast members are permitted to bring electronics; however it is important to understand they may get lost or damaged.

Make-Up: More information will be coming out from the production staff on what make-up is needed.  Please wait until then to purchase.

After Performance Pick-Up: After each performance, we ask that young cast parents enter the Loft Theater entrance and wait by the elevator.  Young cast members will be released individually from the green room and escorted to the elevators in the order their parent/approved adult arrives.  Note there will be signs helping to direct all this.

We understand that you are receiving a lot of information in each of these updates and some of it may be confusing, especially if this is your first experience with a Muse production.  With that being said, please do not hesitate to reach out to Chris ([email protected]) or Carolyn ([email protected]) with any questions you may have!