9 to5 Ticket Presale

Sat, Nov 11, 9:30am • Metropolitan Arts Center

Dear 9 to 5 parent/family member:

Information for your exclusive ticket presale is below! If this is your first time as a Muse parent, other parents will tell you that they didn’t realize how much they’d enjoy the production, how often they’d come, and how many friends and family members they’d bring back to see the show. As the press often remarks, you laugh and applaud through a Muse musical and then leave feeling on top of the world.

Muse tickets are holiday gifts that won’t gather dust and they support your kids along the way!

Why Attend the Presale?

Pay less for tickets: Families will receive discounts only available by attending the presale in person.

Get better seats: At any of the price levels, tickets can sell quickly and some of the performances usually sell out entirely. You’ll receive the best seats available prior to the public sale!

Types Of Tickets

There are a few different ticket options — we’ll walk through everything as clearly as possible.

Ticket Levels

$69 (Level A)
$54 (Level B)
$43 (Level C)
$33 (Level D)
$29 (Level E)

As you might imagine, the A seats have the most ideal location, followed by B, etc…

Student Tickets

$18 for Muse Machine members; $25 for non-members. These are in Levels E (or occasionally D). If you want to purchase Muse student member tickets, you must bring the membership keycard or the receipt (if you registered online). Only one ticket may be purchased for each performance, for use by the student.

Benefit & Show Tickets (Saturday performances only)

Includes the very best seats in the house plus a celebratory event including heavy hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and live entertainment at Stratacache Tower. A portion of the ticket price is tax deductible. “Benefit & Show” tickets may be ordered here.


Ticket prices of all types already reflect a $3.50 preservation fee from the theatre (it’s already in the price you see). Normally, phone orders and online orders incur a 17% handling charge. You can avoid that handling charge by purchasing tickets in person at the Dayton Live box office. This parent presale may only be done in person, thereby avoiding the handling charge.

Color Floorplan

A color floorplan of the theatre with price designations appears below. Please refer to this chart and then indicate your seating preference on your worksheets and the ticket agents will do their best to accommodate you.

Premium Ticket Coupon

When you arrive for the parent meeting, you’ll receive a line number which is also a coupon. This coupon provides $10 off each A, B or C level ticket (maximum discount: $40). This is a tremendous discount which we offer only to production families and only during this presale! A family may use only one coupon (you cannot use a coupon for a family that is not in attendance).

Flexible Group Discount

Typically, once sales begin to the public, a 10% discount is provided to blocks of 20 or more tickets purchased at the same time for the same performance. Clearly, that is aimed at traditional group sales and would not be helpful for most families. During the presale, however, you can qualify for the 10% discount by purchasing 20 tickets at one time for any combination of the five performances. Considering that most families come to multiple performances and bring different friends and relatives, it’s not surprising that many families hit that quantity each year. Applied to your whole order, that discount can be significant! Orders that qualify for this discount must be placed on a single check or credit card. This discount does not apply to “Benefit & Show” Tickets.

How the Advance Sale Will Work

The Parent Ticket Presale will occur Saturday, November 11 at 9:30am at the Metropolitan Arts Center. This is the building where students rehearse for Muse. Prior to that, we will hand out line numbers/coupons to be used for the sale.

If your child has rehearsal that morning, he or she will go to the Muse office on the third floor to rehearse and you’ll go to the fourth floor studio for the presale. Only a handful of students rehearse that morning but they are welcome to wait safely in our space if thy arrive a bit early with their parents.

Beverage drop-off also occurs this morning. We ask every family to bring two cases of soda or water (whatever your child likes to drink with meals). You can either drop them off curbside starting at 8:45am or bring it in with you and it will be collected at the downstairs door. Beverages are used for student meals during the tech rehearsal and performance weekends.

The MAC doors are scheduled to open at 8:45am. We will hand out line numbers (which are also the Premium Ticket coupons) at 9:00am. However, regardless of what time the doors will open or the Muse staff will arrive, parents can (and do) show up when they wish and begin to form a line. We will honor that line when we hand out tickets (because it is the most fair thing to do). If you wish to show up early and receive a lower line number, you are certainly welcome to do so.

What is the advantage of a lower line number? There are two: If you purchase your tickets earlier, there is a wider selection of seats available. Also, the lower your line number, the less time you will spend in line. Those who have done this before often value those two advantages.

Starting at 9:30am, parents will be called to the mobile ticket counters which will be set up in the Muse studio on the fourth floor. Four ticket agents will be available. Line numbers may enable some of you to leave for coffee or lunch and return. Advance tickets can be purchased only in person at this event – no exceptions. Internet and phone sales would not allow us to identify buyers as family members of cast, orchestra and PAs.

Below you will find a link to a ticket form to help you organize your ticket orders for the different performances. Completing one copy of this form for each performance you want to attend in advance and bringing them when you come will help you to remember your order and make the process smooth. You must bring your completed ticket forms to purchase tickets!

The Dayton Live ticket agents will accept all major credit cards, cash and checks.

If you cannot personally attend, please send someone in your place. Another parent who is already purchasing their own tickets cannot purchase yours as well – it must be a person who is only purchasing for you so that the line process is fair.

The Dayton Live mobile box office will close when our line has completed this afternoon.

Your To Do List

  • Check with your relatives, friends and colleagues so that you may purchase their tickets now and take full advantage of this early opportunity and the discounts.
  • Complete your ticket worksheets (print using the link below).
  • Pick up a case of soda or water to bring.
  • Come to the Muse space on Saturday, November 11 — doors open at 8:45am; ticket sale and rehearsal for some of the cast begins at 9:30am.

Any questions? Is anything unclear? No worries—we’ll have plenty of people there to help you before you purchase tickets. See you on Saturday!


Print and complete one of these worksheets for each performance that you want to attend (they’re very brief!). We are giving copies of these to every performer and PA at rehearsal, but you may print additional copies using this link:

Ticket Presale Worksheet

Sample Floorplan

Actual assignments and availability may vary. Please be aware that the ticket levels indicated here correspond to the ticket levels and prices that the box office will offer, but the color coding on this page may differ from the color coding used at the box office—so refer to the level or the price or the seat number or the row, but not the color.

Yellow – Level A $69
Green – Level B $54
Pink – Level C $43
Blue – Level D $33
Orange – Level E $29